« From production to maintenance, including your equipment’s development.  »

Production of plating
and polishing equipment

Types of products manufactured

Plating equipment
Ventilation equipment
Wastewater processing equipment
Various structures

Empire Buff specializes in the custom manufacturing of plating and polishing equipment. In addition to fully designing the facilities, we oversee the fabrication of the equipment dedicated to systems operations.

Maintenance and

Repair and maintenance of equipment

Mechanical components
Electrical components
Plumbing components
Automation components
Pneumatic components
OEM components

At Empire Buff we have a maintenance and upgrading department that oversees the proper functioning and safety of your facility and equipment. Whether you need preventive maintenance according to a regular maintenance plan or an emergency repair, we can help. This is our commitment to the success of your company.

And because efficiency is one of the pillars to our success, we also oversee the automation of your equipment, thus enabling the heightened performance of each component. This helps to optimize your corporate results and performance.


Types of services

Solutions analysis
Products development
Technical support

Our industrial expertise acquired through our years of experience, combined with our desire to consistently offer the best service, have prompted us to develop a complete chemical laboratory analysis inside our facilities. This enables us to ensure the quality of our products and support clients during production within a strict framework reflecting rigorous standards. These analyses also enable us to develop custom products or apply tested solutions to different problems. We are more than a supplier – we are the partner in your business success.

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Empire Buff